
Predict Crypto LLC offers consulting services for projects that require some form of data science (more specifically data collection, data engineering, predictive modeling, visualizations, and data driven applications), and this website as well as the forever free tutorials we offer serve the sole purpose of showcasing the type of work that we are capable of doing. We work with data, and we do not do any work in terms of cryptocurrency trading strategies and asset management. Everything available on this website is free, and always will be, and if you paid anyone to access this content you were scammed. On this website we do not ask for nor collect any of your information, and there is nothing on this website that a reasonable person could interpret as a scam. We compile data from the cryptocurrency markets & blockchain and use it to offer free programming tutorials where the outcomes and answers change over time, and visitors can learn about things like cleaning data, visualizing data, making predictive models, etc. Being the creators of such awesome data driven tutorials that we can freely show anyone, we can showcase our work to potential clients as one of the reasons they should hire us, and that is all we are looking to gain out of this project. We do not advertise and will never accept money to advertise on our website.

Outside of showcasing our own work, our primary goal is to promote learning across the R and Python programming languages by providing interactive and engaging tutorials. Our tutorials are typically designed to use data from the cryptocurrency markets that is no more than one hour old. Over time, if you come back to do the same tutorial, it might show a completely different analysis using the same code applied to newer data. We offer different levels of user-interaction for our tutorials (see all tutorials here).

This website is centered around making applications and visualizations that change relative to what is actually happening that day or week in the cryptocurrency markets. Our process is automated and has the potential to scale, you can contact us at admin@predictcrypto.com to get us to work on your idea.

 The predictions made on this website are not intended as investment advice. See disclaimer here. If you have any questions please feel free to email us or get in touch with us on social media here.

If you have suggestions for what you would find helpful in terms of learning about cryptocurrencies or blockchain, we want to hear from you at: admin@predictcrypto.com


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